Event Location: Keene Senior Center

Holiday Faire!

The Keene Senior Center invites you to its annual Holiday Faire fundraiser on Saturday, Dec. 3 from 9:00 -3:00 at 70 Court St. in Keene. The Faire offers opportunities to purchase handmade gifts, cards, and cookies, along with the Center’s legendary raffle to win amazing Gift Baskets and handmade...

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Keene Chamber Orchestra Concert

Members of the Keene Chamber Orchestra will perform at the Keene Senior Center on Thursday, December 15th from 1-2 PM, playing a collection of holiday-themed music. Open to the community!

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Solstice Candle-Lighting

Want to be part of something beautiful? Celebrate the winter solstice and honor someone special in your life by dedicating a candle in their honor. Then, on December 21, come by the Keene Senior Center and bask in the light of dedication candles and see the names of the honored projected on the side...

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Well Events for women aged 50 and better

Instructor Sarita Drew continues her series of Play and Embodiment classes with two opportunities designed for FAB Gals – women age Fifty and Better: Tuesday, November 15th is a FAB Gals Dance class where women explore self-expression through movement in a modern inspired dance class. $0/members,...

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Wellness Events

Upcoming Wellness Events for FAB Gals at the Keene Senior Center The Keene Senior Center is excited to announce November’s Wellness Programs. On Monday, Nov. 14 from 5:30-6:30 PM, Ruth Clark, RD, MPH will give a lecture on Anti-Inflammatory Diet and Balancing Hormones, based on her book Cool The Fire....

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Electric Earth Concerts presents RELIC

RELIC is a small chamber orchestra with the goal of producing textured, theatrical performances for an all-engaging experience. The players are inspired to usher baroque music in a fresh, spirited direction. Their aim is to create thoughtful performances at the highest level; share the joy of their...

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