2021 Monadnock Farm to School Network – Fall forum

13nov9:00 am11:00 am2021 Monadnock Farm to School Network – Fall forum

Event Details

2021 Monadnock Farm to School Network – Fall forum

FREE innovative Farm to School module & educator resources at the Monadnock Farm to School Network forum in November! PD Credits available.

Attention: Monadnock teachers, administrators, school staff, parents, school board members, and individuals passionate about Farm to School: garden-learning, local food, farm field trips, etc. Join the Monadnock Farm to School (MF2S) Network’s first community forum on Saturday, November 13, 2021, 9 AM – 11 AM | Interactive Virtual Event. Cornucopia Project and Stonewall Farm have teamed up to form a new regional branch of the NH Farm to School Network here in the Monadnock Region. This Fall Forum is the first Monadnock Farm To School (MF2S) gathering and is your opportunity to learn about how YOU can incorporate Farm to School activities in your school. MF2S members will present the first Farm to School (FTS) module: “Nuts & Bolts of Farm to School: Gardening, Cooking, and Farm Field Trips,” originally developed by our colleagues from the Vermont Farm to School Network. Become acquainted with the FTS movement and learn some of the ways your school or group can make these fun and healthy interdisciplinary activities part of your learning experience. About the training module: Nuts & Bolts of Farm to School: Gardening, Cooking, and Farm Field Trips Professional development credits will be offered to teachers. Liven up your existing curriculum with a multisensory FTS approach! FTS is a multifaceted lens that schools can use to bridge classroom concepts and transferable skills to students’ lives. This introductory session will dig into hands-on programming examples you can use right away to connect to your learning goals. Together we’ll explore: cooking with students, using the garden as an outdoor classroom, nutrition education, taste testing, and connecting with local farms. Teachers will leave with new ideas and next steps to apply FTS to their toolkit. A Q & A will follow the module presentation. Monadnock Farm to School (MF2S) Network members: Cornucopia Project, Food ConnectsStonewall Farm, the Monadnock Farm and Community CoalitionNH Sustainability Institute.



November 13, 2021 9:00 am - 11:00 am(GMT-05:00)

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