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Crimes of the Heart by Beth Henley

28jan2:00 pmCrimes of the Heart by Beth Henley

Event Details

THE EDGE ENSEMBLE THEATRE COMPANY PRESENTS: CRIMES OF THE HEART BY BETH HENLEYIn its first show of the 2024 season, The Edge Ensemble Theatre Company will present Beth Henley’s tragicomedy Crimes of the Heart at The Edge Theater, 310 Marlboro Street, Suite 112, Keene. Performances will be at 7:30 PM on January 26, 27, February 1-3, and at 2 PM on January 28 and February 4.After opening on Broadway in 1981 (following regional and off-Broadway performances in 1979 and 1980), Crimes of the Heart was instantly popular, and won the 1981 Pulitzer Prize for Drama. Set in Hazlehurst, Mississippi in the mid-20th century, the play focuses on three sisters who reunite after one sister has shot her abusive husband. Henley’s power to evoke the sisters’ capacity for both passion and laughter created a moving yet hopeful play that has touched audiences and kept this play timely. The play was novelized in 1986 by Claudia Reilly, and a film adaptation was made in 1986 starring Sissy Spacek, Jessica Lange and Diane Keaton.Kim Dupuis will direct a cast of 6, comprising Charlotte Traas, Paige Johnson, Mark DiPietro, Kenzie Yelin, Roberta Barnes, and Andrew Bosworth.Tickets are $18 general admission, $15 for seniors and students. Tickets must be purchased at the door by cash or check. No credit cards at this time. For reservations, call 603-352-5657 or email [email protected], or visit The Edge’s website at



January 28, 2024 2:00 pm(GMT-05:00)


The Edge Theater

310 Marlboro St. Suite 112

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