Easy & Fun Container Vegetables at Home!

21may10:00 am11:00 amEasy & Fun Container Vegetables at Home!

Event Details

Come see how easy it can be to grow vegetables/fruits in containers. Stack the odds in your favor for health & fun. Everyone plants a container with soil, amendments & a Cascadia Peapod, Cruncher Cucumber, or a Sugar Pie Pumpkin. You'll take the other two plants home as well to plant too! Too busy to garden but wish you had the pleasure of growing a bit of fresh produce at home? Come discover how to grow easy vegetables in containers with/without children in fun ways that stack the odds of success in your favor! We’ll discuss part-time gardeners’ best choices. We’ll look at the merits of creative alternatives to large, flat gardens on the ground. We’ll also identify the multiple benefits of growing food plants that offer delight, health & color right at home! Limit 15 Register at https://healthyhomehabitats.as.me/easyviningvegetables
Easy & Fun Container Vegetables at Home! image
Easy & Fun Container Vegetables at Home! image



May 21, 2022 10:00 am - 11:00 am(GMT-05:00)


Healthy Home Habitats

25 Beech Street Keene, NH 03431

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