Strengthen the Spirit

13aug(aug 13)5:00 pm15(aug 15)12:00 pmStrengthen the Spirit

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Join us for a weekend of spiritual exploration and companionship.

About this event

After a long journey of isolation during the pandemic, we are joyful to come together on retreat to strengthen spirits. Support for your own spiritual journey, as you discover its shape and form, is essential as you build the spiritual muscles to move forward from day to day. Join us for a weekend of prayer and meditation, spiritual friendship, and unconditional love. We will learn about western and eastern spiritual traditions, the varieties of spiritual practice, and soul friendship. We will offer Morning Meditations, spiritual companionship, and Lectio Divina. Guided by prayer and meditation practice, Celtic spirituality, and interfaith understandings, we seek refreshment in one another's company and in nature.   FACULTY   Heath Missner, a Spiritual Director and Commissioned Presenter of Centering Prayer, recently retired from serving as Deacon at Christ Episcopal Church in Winnetka, Illinois. She is an Oblate of the Order of Julian of Norwich, which has the intention to bring contemplative practice to The Episcopal Church. Heath also is a member of the Ceile De, a Celtic Christian contemplative tradition based in Scotland. She is the mother of five, and she loves yoga and being outdoors in the beauty and rhythms of the natural world.   Robert Bowler ("Beau") founded Halcyon Arts to continue doing what he loves, presenting cultural and educational programs in world music and spirituality. He managed Stone Church Arts, a concert series focusing on world music inspired by cellist Eugene Friesen, from 2006 - 2020. He was also the Director of Stone Church Center, a retreat and conference center in Bellows Falls, Vermont. ​He majored in Religious Studies at Reed College with a focus on the western mystical tradition. He earned an M.Div. degree from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California (after a year at Oxford University studying Theology) and is an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister.



August 13, 2021 5:00 pm - August 15, 2021 12:00 pm(GMT-05:00)


Hallelujah Farm Retreat

170 Gulf Road Chesterfield, NH 03443

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