The Ghost Army, Documentary Screening
22aug2:00 pmThe Ghost Army, Documentary Screening
Event Details
2013, Documentary, 68 minutes FREE
Event Details
2013, Documentary, 68 minutes
FREE EVENT reservations will be required
During World War II, a hand-picked group of American GI’s undertook a bizarre mission: create a traveling roadshow of deception on the battlefields of Europe, with the German Army as their audience. The 23rd Headquarters Special Troops used inflatable rubber tanks, sound trucks, and dazzling performance art to bluff the enemy again and again, often right along the front lines. Many of the men picked to carry out these dangerous deception missions were artists. Some went on to become famous, including fashion designer Bill Blass. In their spare time, they painted and sketched their way across Europe, creating a unique and moving visual record of their war. Their secret mission was kept hushed up for nearly 50 years after the war’s end.
The film will be followed by a pre-recorded Q&A with filmmaker, Rick Beyer
The Ghost Army Exhibition is available for public viewing in the Historical Society of Cheshire County until September 2, 2021, thanks to the Ghost Army Legacy Project.
August 22, 2021 2:00 pm(GMT-04:00)